Past Presidents

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The Pacific Northwest Section PGA is governed by a volunteer board of directors lead by the president of the association. From its beginnings in 1922, the section has been fortunate to have extremely talented and dedicated leaders. Listed below are the professionals who have contributed tremendous time and energy to improve the Pacific Northwest Section PGA and golf in the region.

2020-2022: Howie Pruitt

2019-2020: Sean Fredrickson

2018-2019: Greg Morris

2017-2018: Greg Manley

2015-2016: Bryan Tunstill

2013-2014: Marcus King

2011-2012: Steve Prugh

2009-2010: Dan Hill

2007-2008: Pat Huffer

2005-2006: Les Blakley

2003-2004: Doug Doxsie

2001-2002: JD Mowlds

1999-2000: Roger Wallace

1995-1998: Bill Rosholt

1991-1994: Bruce Wattenburger

1987-1990: Ronnie Hagen

1985-1986: Jerry Asher

1984: Bill Tindall

1982-1983: Jerry Mowlds

1980-1981: George Lanning

1978-1979: Roger Williams

1976-1977: Bill Aliment

1974-1975: Verne Perry Jr.

1972-1973: Al Mundle

1970-1971: Jim Bourne

1968-1969: Don Smith

1966-1967: Gene Richards

1963-1965: Gene "Bunny" Mason

1961-1962: Lloyd Nordstrom

1957-1960: Bob McKendrick

1954-1956: Charles Congdon

1952-1953: Ken Tucker

1950-1951: Larry Lamberger Sr.

1948-1949: Roy Moe

1945-1947: Gordon Richards

1938-1944: Charles Congdon

1937: Gordon Richards

1935-1936: Water Pursey

1934: Fred Henwood

1933: Jack Martin

1932: Neil Christian

1931: William Menley

1931: Water Pursey

1930: Fred Henwood

1922-1929: Robert Johnstone