Hall of Fame

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The Pacific Northwest Section established a Hall of Fame in 1981 for the purpose of honoring and perpetuating the memory of those persons who have distinguished themselves by their contribution to the section and the game of golf. Criteria and method for nomination can be found in the By-Laws of the Pacific Northwest Section.

We need your assistance in gathering information (newspaper clippings, photos, golf clubs, club newsletters, etc.) about each of the members in order to develop a history of that person. Please contact the Marlena Cannon at the section office (mcannon@pgahq.com) if you have any articles you wish to loan/donate to the Hall of Fame.

1981 Jim Barnes

1981 Charles Congdon

1981 Neil Christian

1981 Eddie Hogan

1981 Robert Hudson

1981 Larry Lamberger Sr.

1981 Gene "Bunny" Mason

1981 Marvin "Bud" Ward

1981 Harold West

1981 Al Zimmerman

1982 Robert Johnstone

1982 Ted Longworth

1982 Frank Rodia

1982 Ken Tucker

1983 Bob Duden

1983 Sid Harman

1983 Wendell Wood

1983 Bill Zongker

1984 Bob McKendrick

1984 Gordon Richards

1984 Emery Zimmerman

1989 Al Mundle

1990 Dale Johnson

1990 Verne Perry Jr.

1991 Jerry Mowlds

1992 Jim Shriver

1992 Jim Bourne

1993 Tim Berg

1993 Bill Eggers

1993 Alfred "Tiger" Feldman

1993 George Lanning

1994 Don Bies

1994 Allen Cross

1994 Dr. Gary Wiren

1994 Walter Pursey

1995 Bill Aliment

1995 Don Smith

1995 Ken Still

1996 Oscar "Ockie" Eliason

1996 George Bertz

2000 Rick Acton

2000 Bill Tindall

2000 Perry Williams

2003 Ronnie Hagen

2007 Bruce Wattenburger

2007 Gary Lindeblad

2009 Bill Rosholt

2011 Ron Hoetmer

2013 Jeff Coston

2013 Mike Dowaliby

2015 Pat Huffer

2015 Steve Prugh

2017 Les Blakley

2017 Roger Wallace

2019 Pat Fitzsimons

2019 Dan Hill

2022 Marcus King

2022 Mark Gardner

2024 Doug Doxsie